Herrro Readers,
A lot has happened since our last post...that's right, Stef and I are officially living together!!!
Now, before you get too excited, let me explain. I have now officially lugged one of my 2 suitcases of all my personal possessions to Stef's sublet because mine was up, and I did not want to sleep in the cockroach infested basement of my sublet any longer. Stef and I now share a cozy 10X12 ft room with a twin bed and an air mattress. Talk about love. So far it has worked out pretty nicely. Stef has been working her 2 stage managing jobs, and I have been auditioning, cooking dinner, and trying to find us a more permanent spot (more on that in a bit).
Two weekends ago Ian, one of my best friends from Miami, visited, and this weekend Nick, Stef's best friend from high school visited. So we've been happily exploring more of the city! Ian and I went to a bunch of street fairs which were super fun! Stef and I came very close to buying a puppy at Broadway Barks adoption fundraiser (Dont worry, we didn't. We had no where to put it). But our favorite spot we found was an Indian Restaurant called Panna II...it's FULL/COVERED/COATED in as many Christmas lights imaginable. They kept giving us free stuff and it was a trippy, fun experience. (Side note: As a recent grad the word "free" is among the best in the english language) Stef and Nick also explored the Brooklyn Bridge and said it was stunning!
I had my first day as an ASM (Well, SM cause the stage manager won't be there the first week). I must say, I was a wonderful actor...I acted exactly as if I knew how to be a SM and they bought it! I also got to be a corpse on a gurney for the photo shoot, which was really fun, and the company seems wonderful to work with, so I'm excited! Stef loves her job as well, despite the exhaustion--she comes home and has the songs stuck in her head! This week she is attempting to battle both rehearsals at the same time--god bless her.
Now comes the not so happy part of the post. You see, starting August 15th, we will be homeless. No, this is not a joke. We have yet to find a permanent rental in Astoria and going through a broker is proving to be the worst idea ever because it's super expensive. I have spent most of the past few days walking up and down every street in Astoria trying to find signs that say "For Sale by Owner" and Stef is on craiglists every two seconds calling places that are "No Fee" It's proving to be a lot more difficult than expected. Hopefully something falls into our laps, or we may just be in a sublet for a month or two longer until we can find the right spot. So Dear Reader, if you know of a 3 bedroom apartment in Astoria that is cheap and not through a broker please do email, call, knock on our door, or scream it in our faces! (Oh and it's a 3 bedroom because the lovely Karli will be joining us at the end of August, which we are thrilled about!!!) But other than this minor stressor, we are still loving life in this fantastic city!
P.S Stef has gotten me addicted to 30 Rock. If you don't watch it, you should. If you do, make sure you read Tina Fey's book BossyPants, I am now super obsessed with her. Also, I am the exact reincarnation of a younger version of Liz Lemon, which I think is why I am in love with the show.
Happy Hopeful and Homeless,